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Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

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Man with obstructive sleep apnea

Have you ever wondered why you’re always tired despite clocking in a full night’s sleep? Or maybe you’ve been told you snore loudly?


These could be signs pointing towards sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that often goes unnoticed but can significantly impact your health and quality of life.


In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into what sleep apnea is, why it’s essential to consider it, what the diagnosis and treatment process entails, and specifically how the skilled oral surgeons at South Calgary Oral Surgery can help you regain restful nights.


What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?


Woman sleeping with mask to help fix sleep apnea


While there is no cure for sleep apnea, various treatments can help manage the condition and reduce the severity of apnea events.


Unmasking the Silent Disruptor


Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing while sleeping. These interruptions can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur multiple times an hour.


The most common type mild sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This occurs when the muscles at the back of your throat are unable to keep the airway open.


Why It Matters


When breathing pauses, it signals the brain to wake you up briefly to reopen the airway, disrupting your sleep cycle.


This leads to fragmented sleep and poor sleep quality, even if you don’t fully wake up or remember these interruptions.


Over time, this can result in daytime fatigue, cardiovascular and breathing problems,, heart failure and other serious health issues.


Practical Tip


If you suspect you have sleep apnea, start by tracking your sleep patterns and symptoms.


Apps and wearable devices can help monitor your sleep quality and flag potential issues.


Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea


Man with symptoms of sleep apnea


Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. One of the most common signs of sleep apnea is loud snoring. However, it’s important to note that not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. This means that even if you don’t snore, you could still be at risk for sleep apnea. Other symptoms include episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking, and excessive daytime sleepiness.


The Telltale Signs


Recognizing the signs of sleep apnea can be challenging as they often occur during sleep. However, there are some common symptoms to watch for:


  • Loud snoring

  • Episodes of stopped breathing during sleep, often noticed by another person

  • Abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping or choking

  • Morning headache

  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)

  • Difficulty concentrating during the day

  • Irritability


Why You Shouldn’t Ignore These Signs


Ignoring the symptoms of sleep apnea can lead to more severe health problems, including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even depression.


It’s not just about feeling tired; it’s about the overall impact on your health and well-being.


Practical Tip


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, keep a sleep diary for a couple of weeks.


Note the frequency and severity of your symptoms, which will be helpful when consulting a healthcare professional.


Diagnosing Sleep Apnea


Patient getting diagnosed with sleep apnea


Consulting a sleep specialist is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.


The Path to Clarity


Diagnosis of sleep apnea typically involves a sleep study, known as polysomnography. This test can be done at a sleep center or at home with a portable device. It monitors your heart rate, blood oxygen levels, airflow, and breathing patterns throughout the night.


What to Expect During a Sleep Study


During a central sleep apnea study, sensors are placed on your scalp, face, chest, limbs, and finger to record activity. While this might sound uncomfortable, most people with sleep apnea adjust quickly and manage to sleep. The data collected provides a comprehensive overview of your sleep patterns and any disruptions caused by sleep apnea.


Practical Tip


Before undergoing a sleep study, ensure you follow any preparatory instructions provided by your doctor, such as avoiding caffeine or alcohol, to get the most accurate results.


Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea


Discussing treatment options for sleep apnea


When it comes to treating sleep apnea, there are several options available depending on the type and severity of the condition. For instance, treatment options may vary for different types of sleep apnea, including treatment emergent central sleep apnea, which requires specific management strategies. Some treatments include lifestyle changes, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, oral appliances, and in some cases, surgery.


Exploring the Avenues


Treatment for sleep apnea varies based on the severity of the condition. The most common treatments for moderate sleep apnea may include lifestyle changes, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy, oral appliances, and surgery.


  1. Lifestyle Changes: Weight loss, exercise, and avoiding alcohol and smoking can reduce symptoms.

  2. CPAP Therapy: This involves wearing a mask over your nose and/or mouth while you sleep. The mask is connected to a machine that delivers a constant stream of air, keeping your airway open.

  3. Oral Appliances: Custom-made devices that reposition your jaw and or tongue to keep your airway open while sleeping.

  4. Surgery: In severe cases, surgical options may include tissue removal, jaw repositioning, or implants to keep the airway open.


The Role of Oral Surgeons in Treating Sleep Apnea


Oral surgeons at South Calgary Oral Surgery who help with treating sleep apnea


Specialized Care at South Calgary Oral Surgery


Oral surgeons play a pivotal role in the treatment of sleep apnea, especially when it comes to surgical interventions and the fitting of oral appliances. At South Calgary Oral Surgery, our team of experienced oral surgeons offers specialized care tailored to your specific needs.


Expertise You Can Trust


Our surgeons are trained to evaluate the structure of your airway and determine the most effective treatment plan.


This may include minimally invasive procedures to remove obstructive soft tissue, or advanced surgical techniques to reposition the jaw. We also provide custom-fitted oral appliances that are designed for maximum comfort and effectiveness.


Practical Tip


If you’re considering surgical treatment for sleep apnea, schedule a consultation with our team at South Calgary Oral Surgery. We can provide a thorough evaluation and discuss all your medical conditions and available options to ensure you receive the best possible care.


Benefits of Treating Sleep Apnea


Patients talking to nurse about best way to get sleep apnea treated


Reclaiming Your Sleep and Health


Have you ever wondered “do I have sleep apnea?”


Well, treating sleep apnea symptoms can lead to significant improvements in your quality of life. Benefits treat sleep apnea include:


  • Better sleep quality

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved concentration and memory

  • Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases

  • Enhanced mood and overall mental health


Supporting Evidence


According to the Canadian Academy of Sleep Medicine, effective treatment of sleep apnea can reduce the the risk factors of heart attack by 50% and stroke by 30%.


Practical Tip


Commit to your treatment plan and follow up regularly with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.


Patient Success Stories


Man smiling after getting his sleep apnea fixed


Real-Life Transformations


At South Calgary Oral Surgery, we’ve seen numerous patients transform their lives by addressing their sleep apnea. One patient, John, shared his experience: “After struggling with severe sleep apnea, for years, the team at South Calgary Oral Surgery provided me with a treatment plan that worked. I feel like a new person – more energetic and healthier than ever!”


Inspiration and Hope


Hearing from others who have successfully managed their sleep apnea can provide hope and motivation. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and effective treatment is within reach.


Practical Tip


Join a support group or online community for individuals with sleep apnea. Sharing experiences and tips can provide valuable support and encouragement.


Understanding the Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea


Woman with untreated obstructive sleep apnea


The Hidden Dangers


Questioning “do I have sleep apnea? and how bad is it?” Untreated sleep apnea is more than just a nuisance; it’s a serious health risk. Chronic sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea can lead to a range of complications, including:


  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Liver problems

  • Complications with medications and surgery


Why Immediate Action Is Crucial


These risks highlight the importance of not ignoring the signs of sleep apnea. Delaying treatment can exacerbate these conditions, leading to higher risk of long-term health problems and decreased quality of life.


Practical Tip


Regular medical check-ups can help identify potential risks associated with sleep apnea early on. Be proactive in discussing any obstructive sleep apnea issues with your healthcare provider.


The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Daily Life


Mask used to help with sleep apnea


Beyond the Bedroom


Sleep apnea affects more than just your nighttime rest; it has profound impacts on your daily life. Chronic fatigue central sleep apnea can impair your ability to concentrate, reduce productivity, and increase the risk of accidents, particularly while driving.


Personal and Professional Consequences


The impact of sleep apnea extends to personal relationships and professional performance.


Irritability and mood swings caused by poor sleep can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, while reduced cognitive function can hinder job performance and career advancement.


Practical Tip


Consider implementing a healthy sleep routine. Establish a regular bedtime, create a restful environment, and limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.


The Future of Sleep Apnea Treatment


Group of adults smiling after fixing their obstructive sleep apnea


Innovations on the Horizon


Advancements in medical technology are continuously improving the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.


From more comfortable and effective CPAP machines to innovative surgical techniques, the future of sleep apnea treatment is promising.


The Role of Research and Development


Ongoing research is crucial in developing new treatments and understanding the underlying causes of sleep apnea. Participation in clinical trials can provide access to cutting-edge treatments and contribute to the broader medical knowledge.


Practical Tip


Stay informed about new treatments and advancements in sleep apnea care. Subscribe to medical journals, follow relevant organizations, and consult with your healthcare provider about emerging options.




Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can significantly impact your health and quality of life.


By recognizing the symptoms, seeking a proper diagnosis, and exploring effective treatment options, you can reclaim restful nights and a healthier life.


At South Calgary Oral Surgery, our dedicated team of oral surgeons is here to guide you every step of the way, offering specialized care and expertise to help you breathe easy and sleep soundly.


Take the first step towards better sleep and improved health by scheduling a consultation with South Calgary Oral Surgery today. Your journey to a better night’s sleep starts here.


Contact Information:

South Calgary Oral Surgery




Phone: (403) 271-1665


Stay connected with us for more tips and information on oral health and sleep apnea treatment.

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